Availability & Booking

Tim Smith

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Please select your preferred appointment to make a booking.

Free Discovery Call

Book a FREE 15 minute discovery call to determine how we can help and what services will best suit you

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Half Day Mediation

A Half Day Mediation includes:
- Preparation for the mediation
- Up to 3.5 hours of FDR mediation covering parenting and/or property issues
- Child inclusive work
- Parenting plan and/or drafted Heads of Agreement reached at mediation
- In person, via telephone or videoconferencing
($1145 [per person] or $2290 + GST in total)

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Premediation Conference/Intake

A premediation/conference includes:
- Obtain a background of your situation Preparation for mediation
- Use of Family Property to thoroughly prepare your case
- Exploring resolution pathways and options
- Suitability assessment
- Issuing a Section 60i Certificate if the matter is deemed inappropriate for mediation
($640 inc GST [per person])

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Separation Services

We provide a number of specialist Separation Services including:
- Conflict & Divorce Coaching
- Separation Counselling
- Parenting Support & Parenting Plans
- Child Focused Consultations
($340 inc GST per hour)

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Full Day Mediation

A full day mediation includes:
- Preparation for the mediation
- Up to 7 hours of mediation of FDR covering parenting and/or property issues
- Child Inclusive work
- Parenting plan and/or drafted Heads of Agreement reached at mediation
- In person, via telephone or videoconferencing
($1745 [per person] or $3490 + GST in total)

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Child Inclusive FDR Packages

Child Consultants facilitate the inclusion of children and young people in the dispute resolution process by meeting with them to enable the meaningful and safe inclusion of their voice.

Book a Child Consultant to better understand:
- What the situation is like for your child(ren)
- What is going well
- What can support your child(ren) in future

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Sue Boursiani

Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner

Sue Boursiani is a Senior Psychologist, trained Child Consultant and accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner with over 25 years’ experience working with children, young people and their families.  Drawing from extensive experience in developmentally sensitive and trauma-informed practice, Sue offers highly tailored family mediation services, skilfully navigating challenging family transitions to resolve disputes for both parenting and financial matters.  Through her work as a Child Consultant, Sue adeptly integrates the voices of children, positively shaping post-separation parenting with empathy and insight.  With a wealth of experience in complex family dynamics and relationship breakdown, Sue is committed to empowering individuals going through  separation. She helps them achieve workable and sustainable resolutions in financial matters and co-parenting arrangements for their children,  effectively avoiding protracted conflict and court involvement.

Tim Smith

Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner

Tim is one of the co-founders of the Australian Family Mediation Group and has a diverse background in conflict management and mediation having worked in a variety of family-oriented intervention-based services. He has fine-tuned a strong, unique and effective style of family mediation where his primary goal is for family members in conflict to reach sustainable parenting and property agreements while avoiding where possible the mental anguish and high costs of Court-based litigation. Tim is a straight talker, with a compassionate and results-oriented approach. He also holds several post graduate degrees including a masters degree in mental health, and a second masters degree in conflict management and resolution. 

Katrina Thornley

Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner

Katrina is a qualified family dispute resolution practitioner and experienced psychologist. She has worked with numerous families going through separation and divorce. Her calm, confident approach, together with her experience and understanding of people, helps her to be an effective, solution focused mediator.